Conditions of participation and payment

  1. conclusion of contract

The client is bound to his application for registration for a period of four (4) weeks from the date of application. If we do not declare in writing within this period that we reject the contract, it shall be deemed accepted.


  1. Content of the agreed seminar

(1) The content and implementation of the seminar shall be governed by the respective seminar program, which to this extent shall be an integral part of this contract.

(2) We are entitled to modify individual seminar contents for technical reasons without the consent of the client or participant, provided that this does not affect the core of the agreed seminar.


  1. Withdrawal/Cancellation

(1) The client is entitled to withdraw from the contract up to 14 days before the start of the seminar without giving reasons. In this case, no fees will be charged.

(2) In the event of later cancellation of the registration or non-participation – also due to illness – of one or more participants in a seminar, the seminar fees will be charged in full. Substitute participants can be sent to the booked seminar.

(3) If an individually agreed seminar is cancelled at a later date, 50% of the agreed daily seminar fees will be due for payment. Any price surcharges incurred for individually agreed seminars on our premises shall be disregarded in this calculation for the benefit of the client.

(4) If a seminar has to be cancelled by us, a full refund of any seminar fees already paid will be made.

(5) Cancellation and withdrawal must be made in writing. The receipt of the declaration by the recipient of the declaration is decisive for the timeliness of the termination or withdrawal.


  1. terms of payment / default / set-off / interest on arrears

(1) For all seminars, the entire price is to be paid at the latest at the beginning of the seminar. We are entitled to demand proof from the participant that the price has been paid. If such proof cannot be provided, we shall be entitled to exclude the person concerned from participation in the seminar.

(2) In the case of individually agreed seminars, para. 1 of these Terms and Conditions of Participation and Payment shall also apply.

(3) The prices quoted are to be understood as net Euro prices, plus the statutory German value added tax.

(4) The invoice is due within 14 days after receipt without deduction.

(5) Invoice amounts in arrears for which we have sent a reminder shall be subject to interest at a rate of 5% above the applicable Bundesbank discount rate from the deadline specified in the payment reminder. 

(6) The Customer may only offset counterclaims against us if these are not disputed by us or have been legally established.


  1. Miscellaneous

(1) We shall not be liable for damage caused by accidents in the training rooms and by loss or theft of items brought into the training rooms, in particular wardrobe and valuables, unless the damage is due to grossly negligent or intentional breach of contract by its legal representatives or its vicarious agents.

(2) The participant is liable for damages caused by unlawful copying of protected documents/software products. Our entire documents may only be copied and/or passed on with our written consent. This also applies to individual excerpts.

(3) Amendments and supplements to the contract between the Customer and us – in particular individual agreements – shall only be effective if they are confirmed in writing. Oral promises or agreements on the dispensability of the written form shall be invalid.

(4) Hamburg is agreed as the place of jurisdiction for both parties.